How Long Do Chickpeas Last? [Dried, Canned, and Cooked]

How Long Do Chickpeas Last? [Dried, Canned, and Cooked]

Chickpeas are a versatile and nutritious legume that have been a staple of many cultures for centuries. Whether you prefer them in hummus, salads, stews, or curries, it’s important to know how and how long chickpeas can be stored and still be safe to eat. In this article, we’ll cover the shelf life of all…

How Long Do Lentils Last? Shelf Life, Storage, and Expiration of Lentils

How Long Do Lentils Last? Shelf Life, Storage, and Expiration of Lentils

You have some leftover cooked lentils, and no plans for using them in the next couple of days. How long do cooked lentils last? Or your dried lentils are way past the date on the label, and you’re wondering: do dried lentils ever go bad? Dried and canned lentils come with a very long shelf…