About DoesItGoBad.com
DoesItGoBad.com is your trusted guide to understanding food shelf life and spoilage. Since 2012, it has been dedicated to demystifying storage practices and signs of spoilage and has already helped over 6 million people make informed decisions about their food products.
Marcin Skrzypiec
Marcin is the founder and editor of DoesItGoBad.com, where he shares research on all things food safety, including shelf life, spoilage signs, and proper storage. The aspect of the job he enjoys the most is distilling (sometimes) complex information into actionable advice.
He’s also learning to cook and shares his beginner-friendly recipes on DefinitelyNotAChef.com.
Our Process
- Digging Deep. At DoesItGoBad.com, we’re all about giving you reliable insights into the shelf life, storage, and spoilage of various foods. Our library, consisting of over 400 articles, is built upon research from trusted academic sources and our own firsthand experiences of buying and storing various food products.
- Visuals Matter. Many of our articles are complemented with custom photos. It’s one thing to talk about the signs of spoilage of sweet potatoes, but it’s another to show you how a bad sweet potato might look like. This not only provides a visual guide but also allows readers to see the exact state and storage conditions of products.
- Straight to the Point. We keep our advice simple and focused. No long stories or off-topic chats. Just the food facts and tips you’re looking for.
- Keeping Things Fresh and Trusting Your Gut. We’re always updating our articles to make sure our info is spot-on. But every kitchen and situation is unique. And while we do our best to guide you, always trust your own judgment. At the end of the day, you know your food best and it’s up to you to decide if something’s good to eat or not.
We’ve Been Featured In
- Yahoo.com – 10 Products You Can Ignore the Expiration Date On by Yahoo.com
- Reader’s Digest – What Are Marshmallows, Exactly? by Reader’s Digest
- The Daily Meal – How Long Does Fresh Pineapple Last In The Freezer? by The Daily Meal
- MSN.com – You Should Only Buy Feta Cheese In Brine. Here’s Why by MSN.com
- Mashed.com – How To Tell If An Onion Has Gone Bad by Mashed.com
- Tasting Table – The Best Place To Store Fish Sauce So The Smell Stays In The Bottle by Tasting Table
- Calgary Herald – Healthy Eating: Asparagus is good for you even though it makes your pee smell funny by Calgary Herald
- Spoon University – Does Orange Juice Expire? Apparently So by Spoon University
- Insider.com – 9 foods that can last a decade in your pantry by Insider.com
- wikiHow – How to Store Ghee by wikiHow
- BuzzFeed – 23 Ways To Use Up The Odds And Ends In Your Fridge And Pantry
- LifeHacker – Freeze This Fancy Citrus Fruit Before the Season Ends
- AllRecipes – What Is Half-and-Half and What’s a Good Substitute?
If you want to contact the author of the site, use the form on the Contact page, or you can send an email to marcin {at} doesitgobad {dot} com. The first option should get you a quicker response, though.