Does Corn Syrup Go Bad?

Does Corn Syrup Go Bad?

So you bought a bottle of corn syrup a few years ago, used it a few times, and the rest still sits in the pantry. You want to make some pancakes, but you just run out of your favorite pancake syrup. Fortunately, you remember that this half-opened bottle of corn syrup still sits in the cabinet. The only question that remains is: does corn syrup go bad?

Does Mustard Go Bad?

Does Mustard Go Bad?

So you’re warming up some sausages and notice that your mustard is months past the date on the label. No wonder since it’s there for longer than you can remember. Yup, you’re not the only one who stores a half-open jar of mustard for months on end. But the question that brought you here is: does mustard go bad?