How Long Does Quiche Last? [Storage, Shelf Life, and Spoilage]

Here’s all you need to know about the shelf life and spoilage of quiche. Learn how long quiche lasts, how to store it, and how to tell if yours is spoiled.

Bought quiche for the first time, and not sure how long you can keep it in the fridge? How long does quiche last?

Or yours has been in the refrigerator for a few days, and you’re wondering if it’s still safe to eat.

Sounds familiar?

If so, this article is for you. Let’s dive right in.

Freshly baked quiche

How Long Does Quiche Last in the Fridge?

Quiche lasts 3 to 4 days in the fridge or until the printed date if yours comes with such. To extend that period, you can freeze your quiche for at least 2 to 3 months without significant changes in quality.

You might choose to store quiche for an extra day or two, but there’s no guarantee it’ll still be perfectly fine then. It’s a bit risky, in other words, but many people do so anyway.

(There’s no guarantee your quiche will last those 3 to 4 days, either. If it gets accidentally exposed to mold, you might find some fuzz the very next day. Been there, done that.)

The 3 to 4 days guideline comes from the USDA, and it applies to both store-bought and homemade quiche. Most popular food bloggers reiterate the recommendation, too.

Three to four days is also how long lasagna lasts, how long mac and cheese is good for, and how many days leftover pizza keeps for.

Ricotta spinach quiche leftovers


Make sure you refrigerate your leftover quiche within two hours of taking it out of the oven, ideally in an hour or so. This way, you minimize the risk associated with rapid bacteria growth in temperatures between 40°F and 140 °F (5°C to 60°C).

To speed things up, remove the quiche from the pie plate and cut it into portions. Or put it outside (covered) if it’s cold out there.

How to Tell if Quiche Is Bad?

Discard your quiche if it’s moldy, smells funky, has any discolorations on its surface, or if it’s been in the fridge for longer than 5 to 6 days.

Mold or any visible fuzzy action on the surface is an obvious sign that your quiche is bad. And no, cutting out the spoiled area and using the rest isn’t a good idea.

(Unless you want to spend the evening and night on the toilet, or worse.)

Feta spinach mushrooms quiche slice

When it comes to smell, it’s usually pretty obvious if your quiche smells okay or not.

If it gives off any funky, sour, or sharp smell, it’s almost always no good. The exception is if the smell makes sense given the ingredients used – your kimchi quiche will probably smell slightly sour.

Last but not least, pay attention to how long the pie sits in the fridge, and make sure you don’t keep it there for more than 5 to 6 days. Again, 3 to 4 days is the recommended period, but if you decide to stretch it, limit that to an extra day or two.


If you tend to forget how long your leftovers sit in the fridge, slap a post-it note with the date on the container or bag. This way, you don’t have to track it in your head.

Next up, let’s talk about storage.

How to Store Quiche?

Let the quiche cool to about room temperature, then cover it tightly and refrigerate. Stored this way, it’ll last for at least 3 to 4 days. If you need more time, you can freeze your cooked quiche.

There isn’t much to say about storing quiche. As long as it’s tightly covered in an airtight container, freezer bag, or wrapped in plastic wrap, it’s going to be okay.

Leftover quiche in an airtight container
Leftover quiche in an airtight container – the easiest way to store leftovers

If you decide to freeze your quiche, ensure it’s well-wrapped. For that, I suggest using plastic wrap or placing each portion in a freezer bag and removing any extra air. Simply putting it in a large container isn’t a good idea, as the quiche will likely dry out during storage.

(The same is true for freezing meatloaf.)

Finally, consider double wrapping if you expect it to sit in the freezer for more than a couple of weeks. Use plastic for the first layer and a freezer bag for extra protection.

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