Does Buttermilk Go Bad?
So there’s this bottle of buttermilk sitting in the fridge for a couple of weeks already. It’s a few days past the date on the label, and you’re not sure if it’s safe to use. Does buttermilk go bad?
Or maybe you’re one of the people who buy buttermilk only for cooking and baking (pancakes, anyone?). If that’s the case, you’ve probably seen it go bad too many times.
The cartons and bottles it’s sold in are quite large, and you only need a small amount for a recipe. Is there a way to extend its shelf life? You considered freezing it, but aren’t sure how to go about that, and if it will be useful after thawing.
If you’d like to learn a bit more about storage, shelf life, and going bad of buttermilk, this article is for you.
How To Store Buttermilk
You should store buttermilk in the fridge, plain and simple. Like half and half, or kefir, buttermilk spoils at room temperature quite quickly.
Once you open the bottle or carton of buttermilk, make sure always to keep it sealed tightly when not in use.
The fewer temperature fluctuations, the better for your buttermilk.
If you expect to have the buttermilk opened for more than a week, don’t store it on the fridge door, but put it somewhere in the back instead. The temperature near the door is relatively high, plus it changes each time you open the fridge.
If your buttermilk doesn’t come in a bottle or resealable carton, this video shows how you can store the leftovers:
Can You Freeze Buttermilk
If you know you won’t be able to use the leftover buttermilk before it goes bad, freezing it is an option.
Unlike butter, which freezes well, freezing buttermilk has its pros and cons. The main issue with freezing this dairy product is that buttermilk changes its texture after thawing.
Like yogurt, it separates once thawed, so it doesn’t work well as a drink or in recipes where it isn’t cooked.
However, you can still use thawed buttermilk in cooked recipes, in particular in baking. The fact that it has separated isn’t noticeable in such recipes, and the acid content stays the same. That means the fermented dairy product still activates baking soda.
When it comes to how to freeze buttermilk, I suggest using an ice cube tray. This is a tried and tested way of freezing liquids that allows you easily to thaw as much as you need.
If cubes are too small for freezing, use a muffin tin instead.
Alternatively, you can pour the buttermilk into an airtight container and chuck it in the freezer. If you choose this solution, leave an inch of headspace in the container. Buttermilk expands when frozen.
If you want to learn more, check out my article on freezing buttermilk.
How Long Does Buttermilk Last
Like other dairy products, buttermilk usually comes with a sell-by date. That date basically informs the seller how long they can keep the product in their inventory.
It’s not an expiration date by any means. On the contrary, the buttermilk should retain freshness for about a week or even up to two weeks past that date.
That’s a rough estimate. Unfortunately, you have no idea how the buttermilk was stored before it was placed on the shelf, or if it was refrigerated at all times.
Every now and then your buttermilk will go bad much sooner than it should, even before the date on the label. If that happens, assume it was mishandled by the seller.
Once you open the container, the degradation process slightly accelerates. Because of that, you should finish it within a week or two of opening. Yes, even if the sell-by date is almost a month from now.
If you expect to keep the buttermilk around for longer, it’s better to freeze it right away.
When it comes to frozen buttermilk, like with other frozen products, the sooner you use it, the better. While frozen buttermilk doesn’t spoil, its quality deteriorates. It happens at a snail’s pace, but still.
And after like 3 to 6 months of freezing you might notice that the quality is worse than it usually was. That’s a typical effect of long-term freezing.
Fridge | |
Buttermilk (unopened) | Sell-by date + 1 – 2 weeks |
Buttermilk (opened) | 1 – 2 weeks |
Please note the periods above are estimates. Plus buttermilk is a product that requires refrigeration, so if it was mishandled before it got to you, it might go bad much sooner.
How To Tell If Buttermilk Is Bad
Deciding if buttermilk is bad isn’t exactly hard science.
Sure signs that buttermilk has gone bad include:
- Mold. Pour the buttermilk into a glass instead of using straight from the carton. Then check for mold, discolorations and changes of color.
- Thick, chunky texture. If it’s difficult or even impossible to pour, you know it’s bad.
- Sour or funny smell. Give the buttermilk in the glass a good sniff before you use it.
But as usual, there are also subtler changes to look out for.
For example, over time the smell and taste become sourer and less buttery. And there’s no good way of telling when it’s sour enough to call it spoiled and get rid of it. Things come down to personal preference.
Because of that, if you’re about to use buttermilk that already sits in the fridge for over a week, check its quality beforehand.
If you find it good enough, feel free to use it. If it’s not up to your standards, cut your losses and throw it out. There’s no point in ruining a perfectly good dish with sour buttermilk.
Last but not least, if this dairy product is a month past the sell-by date or opened for over 2 weeks, just throw it out. Technically, it could still be safe to eat, but there’s no point in risking foodborne illness.
Better safe than sorry.
If you need buttermilk for a recipe, but yours has gone bad, almost always you can substitute buttermilk using kefir or perhaps use sour cream instead of buttermilk after diluting it. On the other hand, substituting buttermilk with heavy cream isn’t a good idea.
FAQs About Buttermilk
Buttermilk usually has some small lumps that you can see while pouring it. That’s normal, and you can break them down if you want. But if you give it a good shake and it’s still difficult to pour, it’s probably bad.
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